waiting lists

美 [ˈweɪtɪŋ lɪsts]英 [ˈweɪtɪŋ lɪsts]
  • n.(服务或医疗的)等候者名单
  • waiting list的复数
waiting listswaiting lists

waiting lists


  • 1
    N-COUNT 等候者名单
    A waiting list is a list of people who have asked for something which cannot be given to them immediately, for example medical treatment, housing, or training, and who must therefore wait until it is available.

    There were 20,000 people on the waiting list for a home.


  1. The government has promised to cut hospital waiting lists .


  2. Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations


  3. Huge demand for some brands of skate now means long waiting lists .


  4. You can put yourself on waiting lists and so forth .


  5. And you got her on all those preschool waiting lists .


  6. If they succeed , donor waiting lists could become a thing of the past .


  7. Doctors are the first to deplore long waiting lists .


  8. They are accumulating record sales and building waiting lists of eager customers .


  9. Many buildings have waiting lists .


  10. Before , we were looking at waiting lists for a heart or a kidney .


  11. Meanwhile , the waiting lists for residential care places in Hong Kong grows and the prospects remain stark .


  12. The waiting lists are lengthening .


  13. As a result , publicly supported dental clinics have months-long waiting lists even for people who need major surgery for decayed teeth .


  14. Unfortunately , up-to-date information about waiting lists is not usually available to the GP and patient when they decide about a referral .


  15. After a long search , many waiting lists , interviews and a great deal of angst , we settled on a day care near my workplace .


  16. Saul : But you won 't need them when you 're dead , and there are long waiting lists at eye banks and organ registries .


  17. It 's a huge national health care scheme that has been criticized for issues such as long waiting lists for non critical procedures and the cleanliness of hospitals .


  18. Her family were in a race against time to find her a donor - a hugely difficult task in a country with more than 119000 people on its transplant waiting lists .


  19. One of the most concerning aspects of DIAC 's plans above is that they intend to cut students from the waiting lists to " eliminating long and costly visa application pipelines " .


  20. But the report also noted that few people know that e-books are available at most libraries , and that popular titles often involve long waiting lists , which may be what inspires people to buy .


  21. The HES is a highly specialised part of the eye care sector but it will struggle to cope with such a large increase with inevitable consequences for waiting lists and appointment intervals .


  22. China go on waiting lists to pay more than $ 600 ( about two months average wages ) to send their overfed offspring to Xiang Shan hospital , and others in Beijing and Tianjin .


  23. Ayelets best chance of a match is with someone of eastern European descent but the DKMS needs donors from all backgrounds for the thousands of children and adults on transplant waiting lists .


  24. A quick check with some of the S.A.R. 's leading western restaurants , including Michelin-starred establishments , showed that most were fully booked , with waiting lists , several weeks in advance of New Year 's Eve .


  25. Demand for some of the powdered drinks , which typically mix nutrients like magnesium , zinc and vitamins , is so high that some engineers report being put on waiting lists of one to six months to receive their first orders .
